Manifest Magic
Feb 01, 2025Manifesting your desires is something so cool.
As easily as we use this word, people underestimate the difficulty of it.
Knowing what we want to manifest isn’t the hard part; the hard part is wanting it so much to become our reality that we have a hard time surrendering and letting go. We think the more we think about it, the bigger the chance it will happen. But this is actually the opposite, because, if you want to manifest, you have to show the universe you surrender to this belief and desire. You have to release the want and turn this energy into trusting and knowing you deserve it and therefore you’re willing to let go, as you truly believe and breathe that it’s already on its way to you. You surrender to the certainty that it’s already yours. You know you did your part to become the version you need to be to feel deserving of this desire, and this is why the surrender game becomes easier. ’Cause if you don’t believe this, you can’t surrender yet. And when you can’t surrender to this belief, you will try to control it and therefore destroy the magic of manifestation. The power is in the surrendering game, not in the desire or in the need or the strength of the intention.
I have two beautiful examples of my time at home in Curaçao over the holidays, where the manifestations were happening left, right and center. I believe this had to do with the following:
- I was choosing love (over fear) on the daily
- I felt good
- I felt good in my skin
- I felt deserving of all the joy and love and support (as I worked very hard to get here)
- I felt like I was vibrating on a frequency of fun
- I felt like my energy was open to receiving everything that was in alignment with the current version of myself
- I felt light, as light as a feather, so I was able to go with the flow of life
- I felt like I was surrendering to life
- I felt like I was trusting life
- I felt loads of love for myself
- I felt deserving of all my desires
- I was proud of myself
- I was happy to be me
(I’m sharing these feelings on purpose, as I truly believe that every single one of them adds to your magnet of manifesting miracles. And by checking this list, you can see which ones are already in alignment with your current vibes and which ones you think you need to improve on. Remember, life is about the (healing) journey, and the more you work on this journey to achieve these higher emotional states, the easier your attraction to your magic will be, as miracles will simply happen.)
Every NYE in Curaçao, we celebrate the last day of the year BIG. Around early afternoon, the city becomes one big street party. You will find DJs, food trucks and drink stands everywhere, and the entire island comes together in the city to celebrate the last day of the year. It’s a big and fun happening where you basically are able to give everyone a cuddle, a cheer or a smile with a boogie and wish them well for the New Year. I love this day!
The only thing is, it’s always crazy busy and you’re truly slow walking (or dancing), within a crowd, for hours. I love these vibes, yet last year (2023) I was slow walking around town, and, out of the blue, I saw this single high-standing table next to a DJ stand. You barely ever see standing tables on the street, which is why this table and the people around it caught my eye back then. I looked at the group and got a lil jealous, as I was like: Damn, how great would it be to just be dancing next to this table and the DJ! Meanwhile, the entire city passes by this one high table, so you’re still able to see everyone, while this group of people were celebrating and dancing in their designated area without having to be part of the slow walking madness (or the part where you may get annoyed with everything that comes with busy days like these, similar to any festival day).
Last year, I totally set my intention there when I witnessed this situation, yet completely forgot I had this desire, until this year’s NYE day (2024) arrived. My friend texted me the area we were about to meet up, and, right when we got there (you won’t believe it, or do you? LOL), there was one big high-standing table waiting for us. Like the entire street had zero tables or standing tables or chairs, but right where we decided to link up, there was one high-standing table, alone and empty, waiting on us.
We realized soon enough that the table was standing in a super inconvenient spot, as it was right in the way of everyone who wanted to pass by, but soon enough, someone from our party had the great idea to move the table next to the DJ. Before I knew it, we lifted our entire party towards the DJ, creating a new corner, the perfect spot, and within the blink of an eye, I realized I had absolutely created the ideal environment (an environment I forgot I wanted but subconsciously had the intention of having). Before I knew it, I was dancing and celebrating for hours and hours, in the perfect spot and situation I could only dream of last year.
We had the best spot, the best crew, the best sound, the best vibes, and, while everyone passed us by, we were able to relax and dance and feel the vibes in the most ideal way for celebrating this day. We now had become this one random standing table out of the blue. And right there, when someone pointed out to me how awesome this spot was, I realized I had manifested this moment last year. A year went by, I never thought about it again, but simply by putting my intention a year earlier, by becoming the version I needed to be to receive this moment (as I still had to show up, be at the right place, at the right time, with the right frequency – feeling good, willing to go with the flow, surrendering to life), before I knew it, I had become my ideal future-self for this event.
And this happened not only on this day but almost every day on this trip. I had so many (surprisingly) beautiful manifestations come true. Oh, the gratitude!
I saw a treatment online the beginning of December which was a treatment I had never heard about, and I remember thinking: When I go home, I want to see if they do this at home and try it out. Then life happened and I forgot about this desire. Life went on and I actually became so busy with everything, I totally forgot I had the intention of doing this treatment.
Fast forward, I’m having dinner at one of my friend’s houses and she decided to surprise me with a gift, as she recognized how busy my life is, just like hers, as she truly is one of those friends that truly sees me. So, she said, “Solange, I just got back from this shirodhara treatment and booked you one too!” And it ended up being exactly the treatment (it felt BTW amazing and so relaxing for my nervous system) which I had seen on my phone weeks earlier while I was, once again, simply scrolling on social media.
I had the intention of indulging in this treatment, showed up at the right place with free time and space to move and groove, let go of the desire, surrendered to the flow of life, and life found a way to bring the treatment to me, like MAGIC.
I believe you’re honestly making it easier for your wants to arrive in your lap by truly becoming the version you need to be to receive (and own these desires) and by totally recognizing your highest desires! Desiring, wanting or needing it isn’t enough. You have to vibrate it. You have to work on yourself and your elevation and frequency daily so you truly make the space and the road to receive your desires as easily as possible. You have to believe (in your core) that it’s already yours in the right timeline and in the right timing. Be open, share your updates and dreams with others, let them recognize your needs, choose people who vibrate on the same frequency as you, and work on becoming the best version of yourself, EVERY SINGLE DAY. The right people (and the universe) will pick up (subconsciously) on all the signals when they are just in tune with themselves too. Stay open, stay moving, stay elevating, keep healing and continue to choose to surrender to the flow of life. Trust things always work out at the right time and in the right place with the best intentions for the current version of yourself, always.
As long as you don’t give up on yourself, your own magic will continue to create miracles.
The more you do the work, the lighter you become, the more confident you feel of deserving your desires, and the easier the blessings can and will flow to you.
And yes, these may be small examples, but by being able to see the magic in the small moments, on the daily, is what eventually will help bring you closer to your bigger desires.
I’m currently flying in the air, writing this blog post for my own brand and business while on my way to Mexico, as I’m about to start LEG II as a dance-artist, performing on the world tour of Chayanne. Not a bad BLESSING, at all, if you ask me! And no, these bigger desires didn’t happen overnight. Far from it, actually, but, by seeing the magic in my daily life, even in the smallest moments, by working on myself daily, elevating myself and my frequency always, never giving up on myself and feeling gratitude for everything and all…the closer I become to becoming the version I need to be to attract the bigger desires and to attracting the magic for my miracles.
The more you recognize the magic in your life every day (and are feeling and vibrating gratitude for it), the more you’re able to tune in and surrender to this higher frequency and the more easily you will allow the bigger manifestations to flow to you too. Attraction is a beautiful thing, as it doesn’t discriminate between big and small desires. As long as you’re tuned in to the right signal, you will attract everything (big or small) your heart desires.
2025 is a powerful year, and the perfect year to start believing that you’re deserving of all your desires.
Go attract it, baby!
Decide to become the magic to feel the magic, ’cause, trust me, life is oh so magical and full of miracles.
For more info about manifestation, please read chapter 4 Manifest the Magic in your Life, of my book SOLO JUMP.
Or check out my other blog post: https://www.solangezindzi.com/blog/creation-vs-manifestation
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