The Universe always says YES!
Jan 04, 2025You know what I like the most about life is that it constantly shows you what you carry or believe inside, as the universe always says yes.
It says yes to everything you say, believe, feel or execute. It will always agree with you and with whatever you think or vibrate inside.
If you believe the world is a crazy place, the universe will say, “Yes, you’re right,” and consistently show you all the craziness that goes on in the world.
When you say the world is full of beautiful people, it will show you all the beautiful people who continue to show up for you in your life.
When you believe some dreams are too big and not possible, the universe will say, “Yes, you’re right,” and make you vibrate on an energy level where it will show you those dreams are made for others but not for you.
When you believe you’re going to be lucky in life, the universe will say, “Yes, you’re right,” and will make you vibrate in your lucky girl or boy energy, which will attract lucky scenario after lucky situation your way.
The moment you think nobody likes you, the universe will say, “Yes, I agree,” and will continue to point out every single person whose behavior is proving that they don’t like you.
The moment you believe you are very loved, the universe will say yes and will find proof every day of attracting only people to you who make you feel loved.
The secret of life is very simple. The universe will always say yes! So make sure you give it the right sentence, thoughts, beliefs, energy, dreams, friendships, love-connections and imaginations to say yes too.
I would love for you to start this New Year off right by writing yourself a list of all the things, people, environments, amounts of money, dreams, travels, connections, beliefs, you want to say yes to.
The universe is always listening and will simply say yes to each and every single thought, belief and vibration you carry. It never disagrees and will always prove to you that whatever you truly believe will be pointed out in your reflection of the world to prove your point. Therefore, it’s important the points you want to prove are based on love, luck and connection instead of fear, bitterness and separation.
If you’re having a hard time moving away from your scarcity mindset, then I truly advise you to join my challenge – the positive mindset challenge – before you start your Yes List.
You want the universe to say yes to the aware you, and this challenge will totally change the course of your life in ways you can’t even imagine.
Don’t believe me? I dare you to give it a shot.
Tip of the Day: Start your mornings saying and feeling, “I’m super blessed and lucky,” and life will continue to prove to you in the most amazing ways how lucky and blessed you are.
Happy New Year, happy year of YES!
PS. If you want to start your year even better (more aware), I strongly recommend you to read: https://www.solangezindzi.com/blog/time-is-a-tool
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